  • Tara (narrator) goes to Tallahassee to visit her Caucasian grandmother with her cousin Allison while her parents go on a research trip to Brazil.
  • Grandmother has immediate trouble with the girl' behavior and with Tara's "unmanageable hair"
  • Situation escalates, Grandmother attempts to control children by telling lies about snakes sending narrator into a panic causing strife between the cousins.
  • Ends in Grandmother cutting off Tara's hair and Allison pushing Tara from a tree - resulting in the hospitalization of the narrator.
  • Years later, when visiting Allison after her suicide attempt, both Allison and Tara reveal it was Tara who jumped from the tree, not Allison who pushed her.

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    April 2012

    Katie Kieft

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.